Dear friends, COVID is now in its third year and will be with us for a long time. Last year, ISGE was the first society that dared to hold a physical congress (August 2021). Others followed, even though most events were held online again in winter. It remains difficult, but we are very happy to meet friends from all over the world again this year. With our friends from MAMIGS we put together a very interesting program and Agadir in Morocco is a very good place to cultivate international friendship. Continue reading introduction …

The extended ENZIAN Score for Endometriosis classification.
Index: TheTrocar Volume 3 – Issue 1. 2022
Case Reports
Full articles open access
Cervical Stenosis: In – office Hysteroscopy Treatment using Hysteroscopic Tissue Removal System
DOI: 10.36205/ trocarvid1.2022002
Cesarean Scar Pregnancy: Case reports
DOI: 10.36205/trocar1.2022005
Description of the Endometrium at the different phases of the Menstrual Cycle (A Handout)
DOI: 10.36205/trocar1.2022004
Enzian classification, a new description of endometriosis for invasive and noninvasive diagnosis
DOI: 10.36205/trocar1.2022001
How to proceed with laparoscopic radical Hysterectomy after LACC trial (New approach add. Video Article)
DOI 10.36205/trocar1.2022003
How to reduce operation time in Pectopexy using a wire stapler?
DOI 10.36205/trocar1.2022002
Increasing trend of serum antimüullerian hormone level after long term follow up of endometrioma resection
DOI 10.36205/trocarvid1.2022001
When The Virginity Does Matter: Vaginoscopy Using Hysteroscope for Foreign Body Extraction in Office Setting
DOI: 10.36205/trocar1.2022006
AD: Application video MetraBag – Dr. Noé (Dormagen); In this video we introduce you to the BOWA MetraBag. The MetraBag is the specimen and morcellation bag that enables the morcellation and specimen collection of the surgical specimen with low levels of cell dispersal for hysterectomy or myomectomy.
AD: ERGOact: The future is in your hands; With ERGOact, the first manually activated bipolar coagulation instrument, you operate without a foot switch for the first time in this instrument class. For more safety, control and comfort.
This edition of the open access journal was sponsored by Karl Storz Endoskope. Click image to enlarge the ad.