ISGE Intensive Training Week Avellino – Italy
From November 20-25, 2023
Fundamentals of Energy Based Endoscopic Surgery
November 23th, 2023 - 8:00pm CET, English webinar
The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy is known for its continuing organization of events and courses. For a short period of time we will display here the events that have passed. Some event/webinar information will be published in the syllabus or report section.
Hendrik Mondelaers2023-12-22T09:27:22+01:00Past events|
From November 20-25, 2023
Hendrik Mondelaers2023-12-22T09:26:09+01:00Past events|
November 23th, 2023 - 8:00pm CET, English webinar
The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy was formed in 1988. We fulfill the need for a scientific group who meets at regular intervals to share their knowledge and expertise in gynecologic endoscopy. The ISGE-website was formed by Tamer Seckin, MD in 2004.
© Copyright The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) | All righs reserved | This information is provided for educational purposes only. Please read the conditions | Do not reproduce without permission of the ISGE