ETCA (Endoscopic Training Center Antwerp)

  • Address: Cadix Kempenstraat 100, 2030 Antwerpen, Belgium
  • Contact: Bart de Vree / Karlien van Herendael
  • E-mail:


  • Del Ponte Hospital – Women and Children Department
    University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
  • Ospedale Del Ponte – Dipartimento della donna e del bambino
    Università dell’Insubria, Varese, Italia


The Hugh Wynter Fertility Management Unit (HWFMU), formerly The Advanced Training and Research in Fertility Management Unit, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI, Mona was established in 1979 and renamed in 2008 in honour of its founder Professor the Honourable Hugh Wynter. The Unit is engaged in the provision of clinical, training, research and outreach services to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as the wider community across the Caribbean. The HWFMU is unique as it is the only one of its kind in the UWI and the English –speaking Caribbean. The initial family planning services were significantly expanded to include In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) in keeping with the international developments in health and population in the 1990s to the most comprehensive concept of sexual and reproductive health including sexual and reproductive rights and infertility.

The expansion of the physical and technological capacity of the Unit in 2012 has transformed into a world-class facility that can reach and engage audiences, students and colleagues in all facets of its work including Minimally Invasive Gynaecological surgery (MIGS). The Unit is poised to become a centre of excellence in sexual and reproductive health and MIGS that will impact the populations of the Caribbean and beyond by making services available with significant reductions in the recovery period and total cost. These modifications will enhance economic productivity by reducing time lost due to long recovery times as well as improving family life.

The HWFMU had collaborated with the International Society for Gynaecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) and the Caribbean Association of Gynaecologic Endoscopic Surgeons (CAGES) to host the 2017 MIGS conference and postgraduate courses in Jamaica. Obstetrician/gynaecologists, as well as others from the Caribbean and globally, attended the Congress. The conference offered a strategic opportunity to enhance the global image of the HWFMU within the University of the West Indies as a modern facility that is developing a comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health and MIGS.


The Center for Hysteroscopy under Local Anesthesia is part of the International Center for Minimally Invasive Pelvic Surgery at the Gynecological Obstetric Clinical Hospital of Poznan University of Medical Sciences. It is a unique facility that offers daily hysteroscopic services as well as periodic training and education in mini-hystero-resectoscopy procedures performed with the GUBBINI System under local anesthesia using the Hystero-Block system.

At the Center for Hysteroscopy, we provide theoretical and practical training on professional phantoms and cadavers at each stage of diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy under local anesthesia. This training allows for the efficient and safe use of hysteroscopic techniques before proceeding to “live” surgical procedures.

The training courses conducted as part of the activities of the Center for Hysteroscopy are the first educational project of its kind in the field of diagnostic and surgical hysteroscopy in Poland, which aims to improve patient safety. This workshop is dedicated to gynecologists who have not previously performed this type of procedure as well as those who have mastered the basic hysteroscopic technique but have not performed it under local anesthesia. As an educational unit, we would like to share our knowledge of the possibilities offered by this modern and minimally invasive endoscopic method.

During the workshop, the procedure of performing the local anesthesia technique using the Hystero-Block system is explained “step by step.” We also discuss the possibilities of performing diagnostic hysteroscopy procedures using GUBBINI Hysteroscopes—original, ellipse and midi as well as surgical hysteroscopy procedures using GUBBINI Mini-Resectoscopes. These hysteroscopic techniques are used in the diagnosis and treatment of different conditions such as abnormal uterine bleeding, polyps of the cervical canal and mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, submucosal myomas of the canal and uterine cavity, and intrauterine septa and adhesions, as well as to confirm infertility and inability to bear a pregnancy.
The Center for Hysteroscopy was the only facility in Poland to receive the Tontarra Certificate. In addition, the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy awarded the ISGE Center of Excellence accreditation to the Center, recognizing its unique role and the high quality of its training courses.


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