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Hysterectomy for 900 gr Pear Shaped Uterus Previous C section


Information Hysterectomy in case of big uterus requires the insertion of an additional trocar 8-10 cm above the umbilical level for the optic. The umbilical trocar will be used for the central instrument like [...]

Hysterectomy for 900 gr Pear Shaped Uterus Previous C section2023-11-02T16:04:14+01:00

Trocar positioning for TLH FOR1600 GR uterus


Information Authors: O. Sizzi, A. Rossetti In case of very large uteri it is safe to create the pneumoperitoneum inserting the Verres needle through the Palmer Point: along the left emiclavear line, 2 cm [...]

Trocar positioning for TLH FOR1600 GR uterus2023-11-02T16:05:11+01:00

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for 900 gr Apple Shaped Uterus – Part 2


Information Authors: Alfonso Rossetti MD, Ornella Sizzi MD. Responsables Laparoscopic Gynecological Division, Nuova Villa Claudia Hospital, Rome, Italy. The major difficulty in case of hysterectomy for a large, apple shaped uterus is due to [...]

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for 900 gr Apple Shaped Uterus – Part 22023-11-02T16:12:48+01:00

TLH Huge Immobile Fibroids UAO-Technique


Information Author: Uddahav Raj Dudhedia ( Controlling the Uterine Artery at origin and dissecting the uterine artery and veins away from the ureter is the best way to perform a TLH in difficult cases [...]

TLH Huge Immobile Fibroids UAO-Technique2023-11-02T16:13:48+01:00

TLH, Segmental Bowel resection, partial vaginectomy & parametrectomy


Information Author: Adel Shervin This is a case of DIE involving Posterior vaginal foenix, Rectum, Bilateral parametrium and left Hypogastric nerve in a patient who was referred because of sever pelvic pain and dyschesia, [...]

TLH, Segmental Bowel resection, partial vaginectomy & parametrectomy2023-11-02T16:14:56+01:00

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for 900 gr Apple Shaped Uterus – Part 1


Information Authors: Alfonso Rossetti MD, Ornella Sizzi MD. Responsables Laparoscopic Gynecological Division, Nuova Villa Claudia Hospital, Rome, Italy. The major difficulty in case of hysterectomy for a large, apple shaped uterus is due to [...]

Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for 900 gr Apple Shaped Uterus – Part 12023-11-02T16:18:20+01:00
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