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Advanced endometriosis arising from non-communicating rudimentary horn of uterus in an infertile patient


Information Authors: Adel Shervin Operation: Laparoscopic management of advanced endometriosis arising from non-communicating rudimentary horn of uterus in an infertile patient. 31 years old divorced patient G: O, P: O with known congenital urogenital [...]

Advanced endometriosis arising from non-communicating rudimentary horn of uterus in an infertile patient2023-11-02T14:47:48+01:00

Laparoscopic uterine artery ligation at the origin


Information Authors: SANKET PISAT, ANKITA BANSAL GOYAL The video shows the technique to prepare and close the uterine artery at the origin. The closure of the uterine artery can be very useful when a [...]

Laparoscopic uterine artery ligation at the origin2023-11-02T14:54:13+01:00

Large 16 cm Multi-Loculated left Ovarian Endometrioma


Information Authors: Adel Shervin 21 yeas old virgin patient was presented with sever chronic pelvic pain and an ultrasound indicating 16 cm complex muti-loculated left adnexal mass, her CA-125 Antigen was 123 and AMH=2.65 [...]

Large 16 cm Multi-Loculated left Ovarian Endometrioma2023-11-02T15:07:10+01:00

Laparoscopic Pelvic & Aortic Lymphadenectomy


Information Authors: Adel Shervin 49 years old patient who evidently had colposcopically diagnosed 
CIN II followed by TAH BS&O in other institution in which Gynecologist was faced with major intra-operative complication, general surgeon and [...]

Laparoscopic Pelvic & Aortic Lymphadenectomy2023-11-02T15:14:22+01:00

Endometriosis & PID related totally frozen pelvis TLH BS&O with Bilateral Hydroureteronephroisis


Information Authors: Adel Shervin This 31 years old G:O P:O , married for 12 years, with h/o infertility for past 10 yeas was referred by urologist because of: Sever pelvic pain & dysparunia, painful [...]

Endometriosis & PID related totally frozen pelvis TLH BS&O with Bilateral Hydroureteronephroisis2023-11-02T15:18:05+01:00

Frozen Pelvis Hysterectomy with dissection of retroperitoneal structures


Information Adel Shervin 31 years old G:1 P:1 was referred b/o debilitating pelvic pain, heavy menstrual blood loss and dysparunia. Patient has h/o laparoscopically proven stage IV endometriosis about 5 years ago which was [...]

Frozen Pelvis Hysterectomy with dissection of retroperitoneal structures2023-11-02T15:26:24+01:00
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