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Laparoscopic Ureterolysis, resection of DIE nodule and partial vaginectomy


Information Authors: Adel Shervin Diagnosis: Ureteral Endometriosis arising from Large DIE Recto-vaginal space with infiltration of parametrium, ureter and vaginal fornix. Operation: Laparoscopic Ureterolysis, resection of DIE nodule and partial vaginectomy. Pertinent [...]

Laparoscopic Ureterolysis, resection of DIE nodule and partial vaginectomy2023-11-01T16:10:27+01:00

Educational video on operative hysteroscopy


Information Authors: RESAD PAYA PASIC, PATRICK YEUNG The video shows the setup, equipment and management of the resectoscope and the hysteroscopic surgical procedures. Video

Educational video on operative hysteroscopy2023-11-01T16:11:59+01:00

Parametrectomy, Ureterolysis, Segmental RS resection anastomosis


Information Authors: Adel Shervin Operation: Post Hysterectomy Large left parametrial Endometriotic nodule with extension to ureter and Recto-Sigmoid colon, treated with parametrectomy, Ureterolysis, Segmental RS resection anastomosis 44 years old G:2 P:2 with [...]

Parametrectomy, Ureterolysis, Segmental RS resection anastomosis2023-11-01T16:15:30+01:00

Bowel resection for deep infiltrating endometriosis 2


Information Authors: Alfonso Rossetti, Ornella Sizzi, Massimo Mercuri BOWEL RESECTION FOR DEEP INFILTRATING ENDOMETRIOSIS The main indications for a non-conservative treatment of endometriosis of the sigmoid-colon or rectum are the presence of a [...]

Bowel resection for deep infiltrating endometriosis 22023-11-02T13:50:40+01:00

Left ureteral stenosis, Large post hysterectomy adherent endometrioma


Information Authors: Adel Shervin Diagnosis: Left ureteral stenosis, Large post hysterectomy adherent endometrioma Operation: Laparoscopic resection of left adherent retroperitoneal endometrioma, Ureterolysis, Resection of DIE pelvic floor, Insertion of JJ catheter to remain [...]

Left ureteral stenosis, Large post hysterectomy adherent endometrioma2023-11-02T14:04:27+01:00

Retained Bone Fragments Masquerading As an IUD Causing Secondary Infertility


Information Authors: Rahul Manchanda - Rinoy Sreedharan - Nivedita Singh Department: Minimally Invasive Gynaecology Department Institution’s name: Manchanda’sEndoscopic Centrea Video

Retained Bone Fragments Masquerading As an IUD Causing Secondary Infertility2023-11-02T14:19:10+01:00

Bladder endometriosis, cystoscopy and laparoscopic excision


Information Authors: O.Sizzi, A. Rossetti Bladder endometriosis is due by the infiltration of the bladder wall through the peritoneum and the connective tissue of the vesico- uterine space. For this reason is not [...]

Bladder endometriosis, cystoscopy and laparoscopic excision2023-11-02T14:26:31+01:00

Laparoscopic resection of Endometrioma, parametrial DIE and enlarged lymph node at left internal iliac region


Information Authors: Adel Shervin Diagnosis Large endometrioma. Operation: Laparoscopic resection of Endometrioma, parametrial DIE and enlarged lymph node at left internal iliac region. Pertinent Medical History: 40 years old G:1, P:1 with h/o [...]

Laparoscopic resection of Endometrioma, parametrial DIE and enlarged lymph node at left internal iliac region2023-11-02T14:40:18+01:00
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