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About vanherendaelbrunoj

Van Herendael Bruno Johan CURRICULUM VITAE Born at Antwerp, Belgium, Europe, on 14 October 1946. 1971 Medical studies Catholic University of Leuven Belgium KUL End degree: Magna cum laude 1971-1973 Internship Gynaecology and Obstetrics at the department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Academic Hospital St Raphael at the Catholic University of Leuven KUL. Prof. M. Renaer M.D. PhD. FRCOG. Outpatient clinic Ultrasound since 1971 1974  Senior Registrar The Cecil Rhodes University of Capetown, Republic of South AfricaDepartment of Gynaecology and Obstetrics – Groote Schuur Hospital Prof D.A. Davey F.R.C.O.G.Fellow of the Obstetric Research Unit Director: P. Fairbrother M.R.C.O.G. Gynaecology at firm of E. Coetzee M.R.C.O.G Gynaeco-endocrinological research at the endocrine unit Director: M. Katz F.R.C.O.G 1975  Senior Registrar at the University of Leuven KUL, Belgium 1975-1977 Research fellow at the Laboratory for gynaecological physiopathology Director: Prof M. Renaer M.D. Ob & Gyn PhD. F.R.C.O.G Microscopy and Electron Microscopy, transmission and scanning, of the Human membranes. 03.07.1976 Belgian Board certified in Obstetrics and Gynaecology by the Belgian Minister of Health   1 01.01.1977 02.04.1983 01.06.1988 01.01.1991 01.01.1992 10.10.1993 01.08.1996 01.09.1998 01.09.1999 01.01.2004 01.11.2013 Deputy head of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Sint Bartholomeus Hospital Antwerp city hospitals OCMW (Public Health Authority), Merksem-Antwerp, Belgium Deputy head of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jan Palfijn General Hospital, Antwerp city hospitals OCMW (Public Health Authority), Merksem-Antwerp, Belgium Head of the Centre for Human reproduction, Antwerp city hospitals OCMW (Public Health Authority), Antwerp, Belgium Head of the division of Gynaecologic Endoscopic Surgery of the of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jan Palfijn General Hospital, Antwerp city hospitals OCMW (Public Health Authority), Merksem-Antwerp, Belgium Head Mrs. MTh De Vree Ob/Gyn. Director Endoscopic Training Centre Antwerp ETCA. Professor Gynaecological Endoscopy, University degli Studi dell’Isnubria, Varese, Italy Head of the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jan Palfijn General Hospital, Antwerp city hospitals OCMW (Public Health Authority), Merksem- Antwerp, Belgium Lecturer at the “Hogeschool Antwerpen” Higher Institute of Nursing Gynaecology. Head of the department Gynaecology Algemeen Centrumziekenhuis Antwerpen (ACZA) Campus Stuivenberg, OCMW (Public Health Authority), Antwerp, Belgium. Coordinator Gynaecology and Gynaecological oncology Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen ZNA STER (Stuivenberg – Sint Erasmus General Hospitals) site Stuivenberg Consultant Gynaecology Ziekenhuis Netwerk Antwerpen ZNA STER site Stuivenberg   2 Positions held: European Society of Hysteroscopy: Secretary general from 1985 through 1993 (Founding member) American Association of Gynecological Laparoscopists: International Advisory Board member since 1986 - International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy: Secretary/ Treasurer Europe 1988-1993 (Founding Member) Journal of Gynaecological Endoscopy Member of the Executive Editorial Board 1991- 1997 Endoscopic Training Centre Antwerp (ETCA) Director since 1992 “Belcohyst” Belgian registration of Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomies (LAVH) Founding member and Board member since 1992 Fertility Committee of the Flemish Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians Werkgroep Reproductieve Geneeskunde: Member 1992 – 1998 “Diplôme Universitaire d’Hysteroscopie” University Paris XI Le Kremlin Bicètre, Hôpital Antoine Béclère (Head Prof René Friedman, Prof Hervé Fernandez):Faculty Member since 1992 Journal of the American Association of Gynaecologic Laparoscopists: AdHoc reviewer since 1993 -. Contact Group between Medical Profession and the National Insurance Companies, Member 1996. Belgian Study Group TVT Founding Member 1999. Flemish Association of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (VVOG) Member of the committee on professional defense since 2001 -. Member of the task force for endoscopy since 2003 -. Member of the Pelvic Floor task force since 2005 - . FIGO: Referee for the International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2001. Member of the board of the association for the defense of the gynaecological and obstetrical profession: 2002 – 2016. Member of the directory committee of the Belgian Association of Medical Specialists. (VBS-GBS) since 2003. Member of the Executive directory 2011 - 2016. Co-Founder of the Gynaecologisch Endoscopisch Platform GEP – BIGGE commission of the Vlaamse Vereniging voor Obstetrie en Gynaecologie VVOG. 2003 -. Administrative Director of the International Society of Gynecological Endoscopy (ISGE) 2004 – 2007. Elected member of the accreditation commission for Obstetrics and Gynaecology the Kingdom of Belgium, Flemish region, since July 2006 – 2014. Faculty member and member of the Accreditation Council of the Live Science European University. NESA European Medical University 2009-. President of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) 2015 – 2017 Medical Director International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) 2017 -. 3 Publications “Micro-anatomy of the human amniotic membranes a light microscopic transmission and scanning electron microscopic study” B.J. van Herendael, C. Oberti, I. Brosens Am. Journal Obstet. Gynecol., 1978;131(8):872-880 “Ultrastructure and histopathological interpretation of normal human amnions at term” Oberti C, van Herendael B Rev Chil Obstet Gynecol 1978;43(4):230-8 “Micro-anatomische studie van de amnionvliezen”B. J. van Herendael, C. Oberti, I. Brosens Tijdschrift voor geneeskunde 1978, 34(11); 99: 687-692 “Tuberculeuze mastitis: een zeldzame maar niet vergeten aandoening”J. Denekens, B. J. van Herendael, A. De Coster, M Th De Vree, D. Houthooft Ned. Tijdschr. Geneeskunde, 1980, 124-25: 1022 “Dating of the endometrium by micro hysteroscopy” B. J. van Herendael, M. J. Stevens, A. Flakiewics-Kula, C. J. Hänsch Acta Europeae Fertilitatis 1986, 17-6, 451-452 “Microhysteroscopy as a method to select patients eighter for IVF-ET or Microsurgery” B.J. van Herendael, M.J. Stevens T. Slangen. The News Scope 1986;5 (3). “Tuboscopy” B.J. van Herendael, T. Sllangen. The News Scope 1987; 6 (2). “Appearance of the tubal ostia after sterilization – Microhysteroscopy versus pathology”. B.J. van Herendael, M.J Stevens, T. Slangen, Ch. Hänsch, G. Keersmaekers. The News Scope 1987;6 (2). “Correlation between serum and urinary estradiol with urinary estriol” J. Demeter, B.J. van Herendael, T. Slangen. Acta Antwerpiensa 1987;4 (2). “Dating of the endometrium by micro hysteroscopy” B. J. van Herendael, M. J. Stevens, A. Flakiewics-Kula, C. J. Hänsch Gynecol. Obstet. Invest. 1987, 24: 114-118. “Is Hysteroscopy of value in the investigation of female infertility” Mencaglia l, Colafranceschi M, Gordon AG, Lindemann H, van Herendael B.J., Perino A, De Placido G, Colacurci A, Van Der pas H, Tantini I. Acta Eur Fertil 1988 Jul-Aug;19(4):239-41. “Hysteroscopic assessment of infertile women” Mencaglia, M. Colafranceschi, H. Lindemann, B. J. van Herendael, The Cervix and lower female genital tract, 1988; 6: 245-251. “Hysteroscopic diagnosis of chronic endometritis, which role?” J. Stevens, B. J. van Herendael, T. Slangen, Chr. Hänsch The Cervix and lower female genital tract, 1988; 6: 333-336. “Application of vaginal ultrasound (I.V.T.) in early pregnancy” T. Slangen, B.J. van Herendael, M. Th. DE Vree. Journal echographie et Medecine Ultrasonore 1988;9 (5).   4 5 “The assessment of the endometrium by intra vaginal ultrasound in stimulated cycles for I.V.F.” T. Slangen, B.J. van Herendael, C. Verheugen, D. Paesbrugge. Journal echographie et Medecine Ultrasonore 1988;9 (5). “The assessment of the endometrium by intravaginal ultrasound in stimulated cycles for IFVET” B.J. van Herendael Annales of the Dutch Society for infertility exploration 15-1: 51-52 “Funktions Diagnostik des Endometriums aus Hysteroskopischer Sicht” van Herendael B.J..Hysteroskopie in Klinik und Praxis, 1988; 99: 21-29 “Hysteroscopy in Early pregnancy” E. Cittadini, G. Scarselli, L. Mencaglia, A. Perino, B. J. van Herendael, Isteroscopia operativa e laser chirurgia in ginecologia, 1988; 75-80 “Hysteroscopy and implantation disorders” van Herendael B.J. Pakistan Journal of Obstet. And Gynecol. 1988; 1:129-135 20.“Le laser en médecine” van Herendael B.J. Nouvelles de la science et des technologies, 1988; 1: 29-32. “Hysteroscopy to evaluate the tubal ostium in endoscopy” B.J. van Herendael, M. Stevens, T. Slangen, A.M. Van Bel Tubal infertility, A. Gordon, I. A. Brosens Eds, Gower Medical Publishing, 1989; 4.3, 8-12. “Classical sterilization versus hysteroscopic sterilization” van Herendael B.J. Endoscopia e laser chirurgia in ginecologia, G. Gilardi, L. Mencaglia, 1990; p 211-215 Editore Giostrelli, Perugia, Italia. “Sistematic Doppler flow measurements of the arteria umbilicalis” T. Slangen, B.J. van Herendael. Pakistan Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1989;2 (1):24-28. “Endoscopic treatment of extrauterine pregnancy” B.J. van Herendael. Endoscopia e laser chirurgia in ginecologia, G. Gilardi, L. Mencaglia, 1990; p 257-263 Editore Giostrelli, Perugia, Italia. “Laser Laparoscopy” B.J. van Herendael. Endoscopia e laser chirurgia in ginecologia, G. Gilardi, L. Mencaglia, 1990; p 257-263 Editore Giostrelli, Perugia, Italia. “Laparoscopic management of infertile women” B.J. van Herendael, S. Bettocchi, P. Lesny. Abstract book of the Fifth European Congress on Hysteroscopy and Endoscopic Surgery. 1990. “Dysfunctional Endometrium a new topic in endometrial dating” B.J. van Herendael, S. Bettocchi, P. Lesny. Abstract book of the Fifth European Congress on Hysteroscopy and Endoscopic Surgery. 1990. 28.“The endometrial electro resection and the hysteroscopic follow up” B.J. van Herendael, S. Bettocchi, P. Lesny, T. Slangen. Abstract book of the Fifth European Congress on Hysteroscopy and Endoscopic Surgery. 1990. 29. “The endoscopic management sheet – A new high-end computer program in endoscopy” S. Bettocchi, B.J. van Herendael. Abstract book of the Fifth European Congress on Hysteroscopy and Endoscopic Surgery. 1990.   30.“Laparoscopy, risks and Complications” van Herendael B.J. Endoscopia e laser chirurgia in ginecologia, G. Gilardi, L. Mencaglia, 1990; p 257-263 Editore Giostrelli, Perugia, Italia. “Abnormal uterine bleeding, contraceptive pill and micro-hysteroscopically dysfunctional endometrium a possible correlation.” S. Bettocchi, B.J. van Herendael, P. Lesny, M. Colafranceschi. Abstract book of the Fifth European Congress on Hysteroscopy and Endoscopic Surgery. 1990. “Potency and selectivity of the aromatase inhibitor R 76 713. A study in human ovarian, adipose stromal, testicular and adrenal cells” W. Wouters, R. de Coster, D. Beerens, R. Doolaeghe, J. A. Gruwé, K. Van Camp, H. Van der Pas, B. J. van Herendael. J. Steroid Biochem, 1990, 36-1/2: 57-65 “Hysteroscopy and endometrial physiology and pathology” van Herendael B.J. Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy; R. Marana, I.A. Brosens, S. Mancuso, 1991, 21- 30 Braun, Germany “Hysteroscopy and endometrial physiology” van Herendael B.J. in Isteroscopia e microisteroscopia Oggi e Domani, P. Mentasti, R. Sposetti, , Edizioni del Rezzara, Vicenza, Italia 1991; 37-41. “Hysteroscopic endometrial resection, a 3-year follow-up: there are no simple solutions for major problems” van Herendael B.J. Yearbook of the Belgian Society for Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1992, pp 118-125 “Hazards and dangers of operative hysteroscopy.” van Herendael Endoscopic Surgery for gynaecologists, C. Sutton, M. Diamond, 1993, pp 355-361 Saunders, London, U.K. “Laparoscopic assisted vaginal Hysterectomy. Report of 67 consecutive cases”. BJ van Herendael, B. De Vree, T. Slangen, F. Ciuffreda, MTh De Vree Acta Antwerpiensa 1993, 10-2; 14-19. 38.“Laparoscopic management of ovarian masses. A general hospital experience” R. Pai, B.J. van Herendael, B. De Vree, T. Slangen, M.Th De Vree Acta Antwerpiensa, 1993, 10- 2, 37-42 39. “Endometrial resection and ablation: a seemingly simple solution to a major problem” B.J. van Herendael, M. Colafranceschi, B. De Vree, S. Bettocchi, Ch. Hänsch, J. Stuyck, H. Van Dijck. Acta Antwerpiensa, 1993, 10-2, 43-47 40.“Die laparoskopisch assistierte vaginale Hysterektomie” review van Herendael B J Gynäkologe 1993 Dec;26(6):360-5 41. “A new topic in diagnostic hysteroscopy: pseudo functional dysvascular endometrium, endometrial hyperplasia, and the use of oral contraceptives” M. Colafranceschi, S. Bettocchi, B. J. van Herendael, Advances in Human Reproduction;1993: 273-276   “The Role of Hysteroscopy in Missed Abortions” Van Herendael BJ, Slangen T, Van Bulck B, Dumon J.. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 1994 Aug;1(4 Part 2) :S 38 “Bag Surgery as Part of a Protocol to treat Ovarian Masses by Laparoscopy” Slangen T, Beretta P, Catalano G, Marana R, van Herendael BJ. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 1994 Aug;1(4 Part 2): S34 44.“Comparison Between Abdominal and Laparoscopic Lymphadenectomy” Beretta P, Slangen T, van Herendael BJ. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc 1994 Aug;1(4 Part 2): S2-3 45. “Evaluation of the benefits for the patient of hysteroscopic myoma resection” Mencaglia L., van Herendael B.J., Tantini C., Marabini A. Gynaecological Endoscopy, 1994, 3:177-179 46.“Laparoscopic assisted vaginal Hysterectomy: evaluation of benefits of laparoscopic Hysterectomy” Mencaglia L., van Herendael B.J. Gynaecological Endoscopy, 1994, 3: 209-211 47. “Instrumentation in Hysteroscopy” B.J. van Herendael. Obstet and Gynecol Clinics of North America 1995; 22(3):391-408. 48.“Reliability of endometrial biopsy under direct hysteroscopic control” M. Colafranceschi, B. J. van Herendael, S. Bettocchi, A. Perino, C. Tantini, I. Tadei, L. Mencaglia Gynaecological Endoscopy, 1995, 4-1: 119-122 49.“Sexuality after laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy” B. Ewert, T. Slangen, B. J. van Herendael, J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 1995, 3-1; 27-32 50.“Management of the adnexal masses by operative laparoscopy” P. Beretta, B. J. van Herendael, T. Slangen, M. Franchi, M. Swaegers, F. Zanaboni J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 1995-2-3: 273-277 “Instruments in hysteroscopy” B.J. van Herendael Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North America, 1995, 22-3: 391-408 “Salpingoscopy is an important part of the fertility work-up” M. Antony, T. Slangen, B.J. van Herendael J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 1996, 3-3; 369-74 “Missed hysteroscopic detection of uterine carcinoma before endometrial resection: report of three cases” M. Colafranceschi, S. Bettocchi, L. Mencaglia, B.J. van Herendael Gynecol Oncol. 1996, 62,298-300. “Surgical treatment of moderate and severe pelvic inflammatory disease: laparoscopy versus laparotomy” P. Beretta, M. Franchi, M. Miglierina, F. Ghezzi, B. J. van Herendael, P.F. Bolis. It. J. Gynecol Obstet. 1997, 2: 54-57 “Fiberscopes in outpatient hysteroscopy” van Herendael B, Beretta P, Mai L, Pansini N, Bettocchi S. Italian Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics;1997:9-2   7 “Office Hysteroscopic Polypectomy” Bettocchi S, Vicino M, Mail L, Di Venere R, van Herendael B. Italian Journal Gynaecology and Obstetrics;1997: 10-11. “Hazards and dangers of operative hysteroscopy “B.J. van Herendael Endoscopic surgery for gynaecologists edited by C. Sutton, M. Diamond 1998, 64,641-648 “Hysteroscopic endometrial resection” Chapter in “An atlas of laser operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy” J. Donnez, M. Nisolle. Section II: operative hysteroscopy; chapter 46 “Endometrial Resection”: p. 463-469 The Parthenon Publishing group. 2001 “Hysteroscopic sterilization” Chapter in “An atlas of laser operative laparoscopy and hysteroscopy” J. Donnez, M. Nisolle. Section II: operative hysteroscopy; chapter 49 “Tubal sterilization”: p. 495- 498 The Parthenon Publishing group. 2001. 60.“Hysteroscopic Sterilization using Mini-endoscopes without Anesthesia” van Herendael B.J. in Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy. M. Bruhat, S. Carvalho, R. Campo, A. Fradique, J. Dequesne, A. Setúbal Eds. Monduzzi Editore S.p.A. Milano 2001 “Hysteroscopic Sterilization using a micro-insert device: results of a multi- center Trial Phase II study” Cooper, Price T, van Herendael BJ, Cayuela- Font E, Cher D, Curignan CS. Hum Reprod 2002 June:18(6);223-30. “Trans cervical endometrial resection: Is it really a simple solution for a major problem? Arlan S, Bettocchi S, van Herendael B Gynaecological Endoscopy;2002:11;5 “Micro insert Non-incisional Hysteroscopic Sterilization” Jay M. Cooper, Charles S. Carignan, Bruno J van Herendael Obstet Gynecol 2003:102;59-67 64.“Een methode om hysteroscopisch te steriliseren zonder anesthesie” Bruno J van Herendael Gynaikeia 2004:9(2);28-31. “The position of diagnostic laparoscopy in current fertility practice”. J Bosteels, B. van Herendael, S. Weyers, T. D’Hooge. Hum Reprod update, 2007 Sept-Oct;13(5):477-85 Review “Intramyometrial uterine fat metaplasia” C. Panayotidis, B. van Herendael. J Minim invasive Gynecol 2008 Sep-Oct 15(5):525-6 “Cornual ectopic” C. Panayotidis, B.J. van Herendael Gynecological Surgery 2009; 6(3):265-266 68.“Intra uterine adhesions (IUA): has there been progress in understanding and treatment over the last twenty years” C. Panayotidis, S. Weyers, J. Bosteels, B. van Herendael. Gynaecological surgery 2009; 6(3): 197-211   8 “Laparoscopic Strassman’s metroplasty for bicornuate uterus” S. Pisat, B. Tas, B.J. van Herendael. Gynaecological surgery 2009; 6(2): 153-158 “Strategies to prevent Vaginal Vault Descent during Hysterectomy” van Herendael B.J. in Manual of New Hysterectomy Techniques; Liselotte Mettler ed. P 82- 85 Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd New Delhi 2007. “The Importance and the Timing of Second-Look Laparoscopy” van Herendael B.J., in State-of-the-Art Prevention of Adhesions in Gynecology; Rudy Leon De Wilde, Ernst Heinrich Schmidt eds. P 53 – 60. Uni-Med Verlag AG Bremen Publishers 2010 “Reflections on the Physiology and the Pathophysiology of the Endometrium as seen through a Hysteroscope” van Herendael Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy Tirso Pérez-Medina, Enrique Cayuela Font Eds. P 67 – 75. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd New Delhi 2007 “Laparoscopic Hysterectomy in Case of Large Uteri” van Herendael B.J., Jochems L. in Practical Endoscopy. Tips by Experts Sunita R. Tandulwadkar, Nirzari Mangeshikar Eds. P 111- 117. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd New Delhi 2008 “The effectiveness of hysteroscopy in improving pregnancy rates in subfertile women without other gynaecological symptoms: a systematic review” Bosteels J., Weyers S., Puttemans P., Panayotidis C., van Herendael B., Gomel V., Mol W.J., Mathieu Ch., D’Hooge T. Hum Reprod Update 2010 Jan-Feb;16(1):1-11 review “Accuracy of transvaginal sonography and contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance-colonography for presurgical staging of deep infiltrating endometriosis” Vimercati A, Achillare MT, Scardapane A, Lorusso F, Ceci 0, Mangiatordi G, Angelelli G, Van Herendael B, Selvaggi l, Bettocchi S. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2012; 40: 592-603 “Peritoneal Access” Mettler L., van Herendael B.J., Tinelli A., Malvasi A., Ternamian A. in Practical Manual for Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Gynecological Surgery Th. Schollmeyr, L. Mettler, D. Rüther, T. Alkatout eds. P 47 – 68. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd New Delhi 2013. “Descriptive and Functional Anatomy of the Female Pelvis” van Herendael B.J., Degueldre M., Vandromme J., Tas B. in Practical Manual for Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Gynecological Surgery Th. Schollmeyr, L. Mettler, D. Rüther, T. Alkatout eds. P 87 - 96. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd New Delhi 2013. “Strategies to Prevent Vault Descent at the time of Hysterectomy” van Herendael B.J. in Practical Manual for Laparoscopic & Hysteroscopic Gynecological Surgery Th. Schollmeyr, L. Mettler, D. Rüther, T. Alkatout eds. P 353 - 357. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd New Delhi 2013.   9 10 79. “Suturing: a skill necessary for the gynaecological endoscopic surgeon, in routine and in emergency situations” van Herendael B.J., Rossetti A., Sizzi O. Ref Gynecol Obstet 2014;16(1):130-135. 80.“Hysteroscopische sterilisatie: een overzicht van de evolutie van de techniek. Implementatie in Vlaanderen. van Herendael B.J., Jochems L.. In Reproductieve geneeskunde Gynaecologie en Obstetrie anno 2015. P 1032 – 1035. E. Slager Ed. DCHG Medische Communicatie Haarlem 2015. 81. “Complications of hysteroscopic surgery – how to avoid and manage” Bosteels J., van Herendael B. in Minimally Invasive Gynecologic Surgery. A Practical and Evidence Based Guide. Jon Einarsson, Arnaud Wattiez eds. JP Medical Philadelphia 2016. 82.“Principles of safe laparoscopic entry” ISGE thanks the members of the Taskforce for Abdominal Entry: Dusan Djokovic *, Janesh Gupta, Viju Thomas, Peter Maher, Artin Ternamian, George Vilos, Alessandro Loddo, Harry Reich, Ellis Downes, Ichnandy Arief Rachman, Lotte Clevin, Mauricio S. Abrao, Georg Keckstein, Michael Stark, Bruno van Herendael EJOGRB 2016;201:179-188 83. “Large uterus: what is the limit for a laparoscopic approach?” Kehde BH, van Herendael BJ, Tas B, Jain D, Helsen K, Jochems L. Autopsy Case Rep 2016;6(1):51- 56 84.“Essure – sterilisatie in Vlaanderen” van Herendael B.J., De Vree B., Francx M., De Decker B., Verhulst J., Weyers S., Jochems L.. In Reproductieve geneeskunde Gynaecologie en Obstetrie anno 2015. P 263 – 266. E. Slager Ed. DCHG Medische Communicatie Haarlem 2017. 85. “Assessing the risk of laparoscopic morcellation of occult uterine sarcomas during hysterectomy and myomectomy: Literature review and the ISGE recommendations” Sizzi O, Manganaro L., Rossetti A, Saldari M, Florio G, Loddo A, Zurawin R, van Herendael B.J., Djokovic D. EJOGRB 2017;220:30-38. 86.“Pisat’s Visual Vasopressor Injection Needle: An Innovative Tool for Increasing Patient Safety in Laparoscopic Myomectomy” Pisat S., van Herendael B.J. Surgical Technologies International 2017 (30) 87. “Evidence-based guidelines for vaginal hysterectomy of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE)” Chrysostomou A, Djokovic D, William Edridge W, van Herendael B. J. EJOGRB 231;2018:262-267. 88."Temporary ligation of uterine artery at its origin using a removable ‘shoelace’ knot” Pisat S, van Herendael B J. TJMIG-D-19-00468 2019 JMIG 2020,27;1 89.“Complications in Hysteroscopic Surgery” van Herendael B.J, Malvasia A, Zaami S, Tinelli A. in Hysteroscopy Andrea Tinelli, Luis Alonso Pacheco Sergio Haimovich. eds. Springer Verlag Berlin.563-578 90.“Complications in Hysteroscopic Surgery: the images” Veersema S. van HerendaelB.J. Tinelli, Pacheco L.A., Haimovich S. eds. Springer Verlag Berlin.   91. “International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) guidelines and recommendations on gynecological endoscopy during the evolutionary phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic” Thomas VJ., Maillard Ch., Barnard A., Snymanc L. , Chrysostomou A. , Shimange-Matsosed L., Van Herendael B.. EJOGRB 2020; 253:133-140 92. “Evidence-based practical guidelines of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) for vaginal hysterectomy” Chrysostomou A., Djokovic D., Edridge W., van Herendael B.J. EJOGRB. 2020; 252:118-126. 93. “Impaired inflammatory state of the endometrium: a multifaceted approach to endometrial inflammation. Current insights and future directions” Drizi A, Djokovic D, Laganà AS, van Herendael B. Menopause Rev 2020;19(2):1-11. 97. “Minimally Invasive Hysterectomies: A Survey of Current Practices amongst members of the International Society for Gynaecologic Endoscopy” Chrysostomou A, van Herendael BJ. TheTrocar 2021; 4:1-13. 98. “Hysteroscopic myomectomy: the guidelines of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE)” Loddo A, Djokovic D, Drizi A, Devree BP, Sedrati A, van Herendael BJ. EJOGRB 2022; 268:121-128 99. “Correlations between hysteroscopy and histopathology to consider for the diagnosis of Impaired Inflammatory states of the endometrium: a narrative review.” Drizi A, Ghahremani M, van Herendael BJ. It J Gynaecol Obstet. 2022 Online first 11 94. “Structured report for dynamic ultrasonography in patients with suspected or known endometriosis: Recommendations of the International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE)” Djokovic D, Pinto P, van Herendael BJ, Laganà AS, Thomas V, Keckstein J. EJOGRB 2021;236(2): 252-260. “Can minimally invasive surgery still be done for cervical cancer patients considering the LACC trial?” Liang S, Liang Z, Nahas S, Song J, Coa Z, Shervin A, van Herendael BJ, Song G, Wang Gynecology and Obstetric Clinical Medicine 2021;1:173- 176. “A randomized control trial comparing vaginal and laparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy in the absence of uterine prolapse in a South African tertiary institution” Chrysostomou A, Djokovic D, Libhaber E, Edridge W, Kawonga M, van Herendael BJ. EJOGRB 2021; 276:73-78. books edited 1.“Hysteroscopy” Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Hysteroscopy, Antwerp, 1982 H. Van der Pas, D. Van Lith and Louis Keith
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