This lecture deals with the fact that the surgeon needs exposure of the surgical field during all aspects of the laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Webinar recording & presentation
This lecture deals with the fact that the surgeon needs exposure of the surgical field during all aspects of the laparoscopic hysterectomy.
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Hendrik Mondelaers2025-02-01T12:06:55+01:00Categories: Courses & Workshops, Overview all events|Tags: Antwerp, Belgium, course, Hysteroscopy, nurses, training|
Hendrik Mondelaers2025-02-13T15:27:54+01:00Categories: Courses & Workshops, Overview all events|Tags: Cagliari, course, Endometriosis, Italy|
Hendrik Mondelaers2024-12-19T14:10:40+01:00Categories: Case reports, The Trocar Articles, Vol 5 – Issue 4 – 2024|Tags: Complications, Incarceration, Intrauterine Devices, Laparoscopy, uterine perforation|
Hendrik Mondelaers2024-12-19T14:12:52+01:00Categories: Reviews and recommendations, The Trocar Articles, Vol 5 – Issue 4 – 2024|Tags: applications, Co2 Laser, gynaecology, KTP laser, Laser light, Nd:YAG laser|
The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy was formed in 1988. We fulfill the need for a scientific group who meets at regular intervals to share their knowledge and expertise in gynecologic endoscopy. The ISGE-website was formed by Tamer Seckin, MD in 2004.
© Copyright The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy (ISGE) | All righs reserved | This information is provided for educational purposes only. Please read the conditions | Do not reproduce without permission of the ISGE