
  • Author: Dr. S. Selva

  • Operation: Totally frozen pelvis TLH BS&O in a patient with advanced endometriosis and h/o multiple Laparotomies.

    35 years old G:O, P:O with long h/o infertility and numerous failed IVF and h/o 3 laparotomies and 2 laparoscopic surgeries for treatment of Endometrioms, Myoma and bowel obstruction was referred b/o Heavy menstrual blood loss, sever debilitating pelvic pain, dyspareunia and Transvaginal ultrasound revealed, sizev of uterus 93x67x52 mm with 49x49x48 mm right adnexal mass adherent to bowel, left adnexa was WNL and 50×45 mm deep Myoma with pressure effect on endometrium.

    CA-125 antigen=130



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