
  • Authors: O.Sizzi, A. Rossetti
  • Bladder endometriosis is due by the infiltration of the bladder wall through the peritoneum and the connective tissue of the vesico- uterine space.
    For this reason is not correct to treat this pathology only with a resection via cystoscopy.
    Sometimes is concurrently present an adenomyosis of the anterior wall of the uterus.
    The steps for a correct surgery of this pathology are:

    • Dissection of the vesico-uterine space.
    • Opening the bladder just above the endometriotic nodule.
    • Complete resection of the nodule.
    • Suturing the bladder in two layers with running sutures.
    • Remove all the endometriotic and adenomyotic tissue on the anterior wall of the uterus.



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